Legal Disclaimer

Legal Disclaimer


    By using this site and/or purchasing any of our services, you voluntarily agree to the legal disclaimer set forth here on this page, you and legally agree that you have read and fully understood everything below, and if you have any questions about it, do not hesitate to contact us via


    By entering this site and using one or all of the products of, you agree to everything on this page, and therefore if you do not agree to any of them, please do not use the site or the products.


The site and its products are intended for useful information:

    The information you find here on our site, its purpose is my information to benefit you and use it to develop yourself in many areas, it is there for you to take and help yourself through it. You acknowledge that this site with all its employees are not health consultants and we are not trained in psychology or any field Another healthy, here we represent the supportive person who gives you information and follows up your work in it so that you can develop it, we give you the tools, information and the correct and fully tested education and you use it.


There are no guarantees:

    Our mission is to help and support you to reach your goal in your work and develop it, but your success really depends on you mainly, depends on your motivation for yourself and your information and development in it, depends on your seriousness, patience and persistence in work, guenaouikhaled is someone who has been working in this field since More than 20 years, and therefore we can never guarantee that you will get the same results that he gets, your results may differ, and the results of others may also differ from your results.

    Any real examples, data or photos that we show on our website are only there to show what can be achieved for you. Because we have achieved it, we can not guarantee that you will get it too. As we told you, this really depends on you mainly, you agree now that we are not we are never responsible for your success or failure for any outcome you want.


Risk Assumption:

    You agree to use your judgment, logic and reason in using the information on this site or the services at your own risk. We provide the information and you are responsible for how you will use it and with whom and in any way, this is your responsibility alone.

    Use this information on the site or/and services in an incorrect or illegal manner, you are solely responsible and we have nothing to do with the matter.


Tacit Agreement:

    By using this website and/or purchasing one of its products or services, you implicitly agree and sign what you have read on this page.

Any questions:

    If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at